Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tour de Fat

One of the many wonderful benefits of living in San Francisco is that it's one of the cities that New Belgium's Tour de Fat visits.

Every year the Tour de Fat organizers bring many wonderful bicycles for participants to try out. Riding these crazy bicycles, like the shoe wheel bicycle or the many-wheels bicycle, is one of the highlights of Tour de Fat.

I love the Ten Commandments of the Tour de Fat, especially the first two commandments:

"1. Put no means of transport before thy bike: Come by bike because not only are bikes fun, but they help stave off some of our most wicked ills: Traffic, laziness, and pollution. Tour de Fat has a solution: ride this day, every day, and definitely when Tour de Fat heads your way.

2. Honor all other bikes: All bikes are good bikes, and all those who ride them are good people. This is the one Bike Festival that cherishes bicycle diversity on our Cruise-ade through town."


  1. Jesse: Every year the tour dates change ever so slightly. Here is last year's tour dates and locations:

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